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Showing posts from August, 2015

How to Hide Apps and Games in Android?

There are more idiots in this planet, than you can imagine. Some are just idiots, and some are imbeciles . They take your phone, start playing Angry Birds or Subway Surfer . And drown your battery level to death. Sometimes it seems like their primary aim in life is to grab your mobile and eat your phone's charge. Since that you can do nothing about their stupidity , a better solution will be to hide some specific games or apps.  But unfortunately not all android phones allow hiding apps by default.  So we’re gonna need third party apps for that. One such app is Nova Launcher . It’s an awesome launcher with amazing customization and flexibility. And you can also use it to hide apps and games from the app drawer without root. So let’s have a look at how we can hide apps and games in an android phone. Step 1. At first head over to this link and install Nova Launcher. It’s completely free in PlayStore. However, you've gotta pay $4.99 to buy the prime version . Af

Landing Page Optimization: Killer title will go a long way

When it comes to the issue of online marketing, there is one notion that is more underrated yet at the same time more cost-effective than anything else. We are of course talking about the notion of landing page. A landing page is most often a standalone page, connected or unconnected to your main site with the purpose of promoting your business. Still, its success depends on your ability to optimize it properly. Why does the landing page matter? Well, the answer to this question is really an easy one, first things first, as we mentioned before, there is nothing as cost-effective as a well-organized and optimized landing page. The most serious investment that you have here is to put some time aside to do it carefully and gain enough knowledge and skill to compose your landing page successfully. Because this way, instead of chasing after your target population, your plan is to make them follow you, landing page is also one of the most efficient and most sophisticated means o

How to get backlinks: The Ultimate Guide!

When any search engines, say, Google crawls yours site, it scans your site depending upon many ranking factors, as per written in its algorithm. Backlink is one of the major factors amongst them. The basic rule is pretty clear – the more backlinks your site has, the higher it will rank in search results. So to gain higher position in SERP ( S earch E ngine R esults P age ), you’ve gotta understand what backlink is, how it works & how to get backlinks to your blog, so that you can stand out in this heavy crowd. So let’s get started. What is a Backlink? Backlink as its name suggests itself, is a link thrown back to your blog. Let’s make it simpler. Suppose our friend Harry has a website. Now I asked him to put a link, say , in his site. And also I took him to the local restaurant and fed him tuna-salad to make sure he does so. And when he puts the link in his site, I receive a backlink. Tada. Why are backlinks so important? As I sa