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Landing Page Optimization: Killer title will go a long way

When it comes to the issue of online marketing, there is one notion that is more underrated yet at the same time more cost-effective than anything else. We are of course talking about the notion of landing page. A landing page is most often a standalone page, connected or unconnected to your main site with the purpose of promoting your business. Still, its success depends on your ability to optimize it properly.

Why does the landing page matter?

Well, the answer to this question is really an easy one, first things first, as we mentioned before, there is nothing as cost-effective as a well-organized and optimized landing page. The most serious investment that you have here is to put some time aside to do it carefully and gain enough knowledge and skill to compose your landing page successfully.

Because this way, instead of chasing after your target population, your plan is to make them follow you, landing page is also one of the most efficient and most sophisticated means of inbound marketing. Unlike traditional outbound marketing, such as TV and radio advertisements or spam materials, where you go around chasing attention, inbound marketing offers you a more subtle and even more effective way to reach your business goals. Following article can help you do some optimization on yourself, but if in doubt the best way to meet perfection is by turning to professional digital agencies.

Make your headlines count.

The sad truth is that although making good landing page writing takes time and effort, the most recent statistics show that over 80% people read only the title of the work. Although many may find this a bit unfortunate, things are what they are and you simply need to find the way to adapt. If what most people read is just a title than it is more than obvious that you need to make your title count.

Still, although by this statistics 20% people actually read the page even some of them tend to just skim so you also need to make all your sub-headlines simple, brief, catchy and relevant to the reader as well. This reader is of course an ideal representative of your target demographic. In order to learn how to do this with most success it might even be a good idea for you to enlist on a business writing course thus ensuring that all your work will not be in vain and that your message will surely hit the center of the target.

Appealing content

Now, your content needs to have three main properties in order to be a good material for an optimized landing page. First of all, your content needs to be relevant to the topic at hand and to the interest of your readers, which we already discussed. Next, thing about your content is that it needs to be keyword focused. Which further means that you should also be concerned with finding the right focus keyword.

Last but not the least. You should always try to make your content visually appealing. This means first, that, since most people tend to just skim through it, you should keep its appearance well organized. Divide it into segments, paragraphs 4-5 lines long, and further enhance this segmentation with the aforementioned well-crafted sub-headlines. This way, your landing page is far more likely to attract its readers and this is yet another case in which a killer title(s) go a long way.

As centuries ago Plato said about his best student Aristotle, one is better than thousand if he is the best. Why make two pages to do the job that one could easily perform. One sound and well-constructed landing page can sometimes do more good to you than an entire campaign. And although we mentioned the phrase twice already, the notion of cost-effectiveness here gains a completely new dimension.

About Author:

This article was written by Marcus Jensen. Marcus is an Australian IT support professional, working with companies that outsource their IT maintenance. He writes for technivorz blog. He’s SF and gaming fan, and has actually seen Star Wars 44 times.

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