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How to Change or Add Favicon in Blogger — The Easiest Guide!


Hey everyone, it's been several weeks since I wrote a post on this blog. Well, it was really a frustrating time period for this blog as well as me. But not to worry I'm back again. Let's take a cool breathe and get started rapidly. I can't wait.

In the previous article I helped you removing the 'Powered by Blogger' attribution, which resulted in overwhelming positive feedback. So in this week we'll be going another step ahead customizing your blog awesomely. In this article I'm gonna help you out to change or replace the favicon of your blogger blog and add a custom one. It's as important as removing the navigation bar. So let's dive in.

What's a favicon?

A favicon is the tiny logo kind of thing that you see at the top of browser window (i.e. the title bar), when you open any webpage. For instance watch out the snap below.


 Why change it?

In case of new blogs, blogger keeps it's default favicon. This looks a little unprofessional and your blog readers may neglect your blog even if you have spectacular content! So you better use your own custom favicon.

How to do it?

The process is as easy as eating a cookie, you know! Just abide by these easy-breezy steps and you're done. But before that its mandatory to keep a backup of your blog to avoid any blunders in the template.

1. Firstly, open your blogger dashboard and navigate down to the Layout section at the left side.


2. Now find a rectangle block, named Favicon (with an orange colored logo beside). Click the edit link on it.


3. After clicking a new window will be popped up. Tap the browse button up there and select any of your favorite favicons and click save. That's it.

Pro Tips:

1) You can use the websites such as  or to generate some cool favicons for your blog. Or simply create one using Paint or Photoshop.
2) While choosing favicon, keep in mind that it should represent your blog. For instance, you may use the first letter of your blog's name.
3) Use light color in background and deeper color in the foreground object to make it clearly visible.

Wrapping it up:

So today you've learnt another new stuff and you're a step ahead towards a successful blogging career. Lastly, I'd like to say — Don't lose yourself, keep up blogging, there's hell lot of hindrances to come in your path. You may comment your consequences and feedback below. Good bye. Ceeyaa in the comments!

Pic Credit: Rayi Christian W via Unsplash.

Didn't understand the text tutorial? Don't worry. The following video guide will help you out (Credit: Karthik).


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