After creating a blog, the first task that we usually perform is designing the blog. And hence we make changes in the default template. But as a beginner, people often make mistakes on that part. One fallacy in coding & boom!! And the most irritating thing is to rectify the errors which may take hours to get cured! In addition to those, sometimes, suppose you're working on the template and suddenly it crashes. You may lose all the data then. So instead of all these clutters, it'll be better if you take a backup of the template and restore it later if necessary. In this article, I shall discuss the process of backing up a blogger template and later restoring it. All you have to do is — comply these merely few steps. So here it goes.
Worth reading: Getting started with a blog.
The Backup Process:
To backup your template first of all go to blogger dashboard. Choose a blog and navigate to the template section. After the page finishes loading, look at the top corner on right side. There's a button named "Backup/Restore". Simply click on it.
Right after clicking, a dialogue box kinda thing will appear. There you'll notice a button saying 'Download Full Template'. Hit it and the download will start. Next, store the downloaded file (an xml file) at some safe place. You're done. Here's a screenshot clarifying the process.
The Restoring Process:
This one is quite similar to the previous process. Simply, go to the template section of the selected blog. Then click on the same button (i.e. Backup/Restore). Then choose any xml backup file and upload it. That's it. Easy isn't it?
Recommended: How to Change Blogger Template and Install a Custom One?
I know this was merely an obligatory post and might look mind-numbing to few people. But it is actually a great way to kick off for starters. Please take some time to comment how did you feel about the post. Good bye for now. See ya.
Photo Credit: FutUndBeidl via PhotoPin licensed under CC 2.0.