Did you know that you can copy and paste in windows? Welcome to the most insane tutorial of the year. Today I'm gonna tell you how to use the most used function of a computer i.e. how to copy-paste a file or text in windows! This is not only for beginners; expert windows programmers should also enjoy this. You may ask, "Everyone knows it, why are you posting stuffs like these"? In answer to that I must say, "I posted this so that you can ask me the question". Anyway, jokes apart — only serious comedy! So let's begin our step by step tutorial to copy and paste.
You'll need:
- A computer
- A mouse
- Few fingers
Let's Begin:
First of all start your computer. You will see a thing attached with your computer that exactly looks like a mouse. Yes that one is called mouse. That's the main thing you'll need. Now go to where your text is! Got it? Alright, now left click at the start from where you want to copy. Hold your left click and drag the mouse to the end until where you want to copy! Then release your mouse click. You'll notice your text highlighted in some colour. Now right click on the highlighted text and you'll notice a list. In that list click on copy! That's it. If you haven't understand, look at the screen-shot bellow.
So now, your text is copied into the clipboard. Time to paste it. Just go to any place you want to paste it (or simply to MS Word or Notepad). Now right click on anywhere you want it to be pasted. A list will arrive (same as the previous one). Then click on paste. That's it. Text copied.
To copy a file, do the same process. Just right click on file and then click copy. Go to any folder, right click on blank space — paste it!
I think by now you know how to copy-paste in windows. But wait! Do not copy any posts of tech-a-brel. It's protected by creative commons license!! Anyway thanks for tolerating me. Keep Eating. Respect goats. #peace.